Saturday, February 02, 2019


Life will always be full of challenges and obstacles. Life is a struggle. Life is fragile. Hard times are inevitable. Having people that you can be yourself around and share your struggles and your heart will helps you to grow in so many different ways. Just like how surrounding yourself with people who aren't life giving can stunt who you are and surrounding yourself with people who do breathe life into you can help you flourish. It is important to have people speak truth into your heart, when you aren't able to do that for yourself. When we listen and care for one another, it can deeply affect someone who may not be having the best day.

A lot of us go through a phase where we feel stuck and at that point, we would love someone to talk to us and tell us that everything will be okay. It’s nice to be there for someone when they need you the most. Just be with them. Listen. Ask them to vent it all out. Hard times happen because we spent all our emotions in. Give them the permission to wail, cry, talk, shout and do anything and you just patiently put them with you.

Pain is an integral part of life. If someone is going through hard time and you are not in a position to help or do something, then the best you can do that is be with them and let them feel that they are not alone. Any pain takes time to heal. Give the person enough time and please don’t judge them. Being honest about it, whether it’s advice, or just a willing ear and a big hug, is the best. Sometimes, “I’m here for you” is honestly all that’s needed for someone to know that someone out there cares about them. Be patient and the maximum you can do is give them a hope that you are with them and you will be available for them whenever they are in need.

In hard times, it is important to have people to talk to which continue to push you back to God. I have been in that frozen state of difficulty and I still have it. Trapped between the fears. Trapped in the place where it is hard to breathe. It is like my soul is collectively tired. Numb. I will say that in that times when I am discouraged and do not “feel” like sharing…I go back to the days God had my back. Even in the worst of times, He ALWAYS came through. I think back on that, and have FULL CONFIDENCE, in His love for me, I know that although I may not see the end result in times of discouragement, I know it will work out and work out for the good. Yes, this is the number one encouragement that you need in your life. 

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