Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Assalamualaikum guys,
How are you? Hope you guys have an amazing day.

Topic for today is about patience or in the Arabic language, (Sabr). The patience is mentioned at many places in Quran and Sunnah of the beloved Prophet (SAW), which shows the virtues and greatness of Patience. Patience is of the best from deeds and has the great reward with no limit. In this world, we face many difficulties or trials and sufferings but we have to be patient because Allah Almighty loves those who did Patience (Sabr) in a difficult time. 

So many times in our lives something happens to us and we feel that this is the worst thing that can happen to us. But then after the trial, when relief and ease come, we realize that the difficult times had happened for good to come.  So, it is important that believers have to be patient and know that Allah (SWT) is sufficient for us and is the best arranger of all our affairs. He will guide us to that which is good for us in this life and Hereafter too.

Yes, many times in life, hardships befall us. It sometimes feels like difficulties add up on one another and the light at the end of the tunnel, is merely a hallucination. That is what I felt when I am totally jobless and have no money to spent on my basic expenses. I had applied so many jobs vacancy over almost 2 years but no feedback and outcome. Sometimes I felt so useless but I know that I have to pray to Allah to ease everything.  Patience is my aid and are told to seek help through it. This necessarily means that patience will get us through an ordeal or a difficulty. It may not be easy, but those who try also have the help of Allah.

Yes, again, my prayer is answered! My patience and sabr is rewarded! I get a job with good salary at a very established company. Alhamdulillah. This is what we call the power of patience. Have faith in Allah. The ones who have the patience without complaining will be greatly rewarded whereas the one who was not patience will receive nothing.

So in times of hardships and difficulties when you think all is lost and there is no hope, remember to have patience. In due time Allah will relieve you of all worries, and you will receive rewards a million in multitude for bearing it with patience.

Remember, Allah is always with you!

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