Sunday, March 17, 2019


We all have difficult people in our life who drives us nuts! We all have at least one in our life, someone who drains our energy with their never-ending dramas leaving us feeling exhausted, frustrated, discontent and unproductive. In fact, it is annoying. Have you ever thought, “They have to be the most miserable person in the world?” They are often very miserable. They come in every variety that you can imagine. Your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors and even unknown person.

Below are the types of difficult people that I have experienced in my life.


Why I said they are the chronic complainers? This is because they always have something bad to say. They complain, critique and judge. Nothing's ever good enough for them. They love to focus on problems and ignore solutions. They are almost impossible to please. It is a huge challenge for those around them. Trying to remain positive, motivated and productive amid a constant stream of complaints and dissatisfaction can try anyone's patience. It’s hard to be positive when you have someone complaining in your ear all day. Nothing good in their life.

How I deal this chronic complainer?

First of all, please bear in mind that not all chronic complainer is a negative people. So, don’t judge them but listen. You need to show that you care about what they’re saying. Even if the complaints seem ridiculous and pointless, do not roll your eyes. Instead, nod your head and say things like, “I hear you,” or “I understand you”. Just listen, nod, and show that you’re validating their complaints. Then I change the subject of the conversation without making it obvious that I don’t want to hear their problem for the millionth time. It gets frustrating hearing the same complains over and over while they reject your advice, so it’s important to set your boundaries with chronic complainers. Eventually, you are not responsible for the happiness or well-being of others.


What about the persons who are super nice and smilingly agree with your ideas until some action is required, then they back down or disappear? This is the "people-pleaser" who over-promises and never delivers. They avoid conflict at all costs, are outgoing, sociable, personal with others, and very attentive. They will tell you things that are good to hear and then let you down by making unrealistic commitments.

How I deal with this kind of people?
Avoid them!!


Know-it-alls are those irritating people who act as if they are experts on every topic — even when evidence and behaviors prove otherwise. They can’t fool all the people all the time. But they can fool some of the people enough of the time, and enough of the people all of the time – all for the sake of getting some attention. They know how to learn just enough about a subject to sound like they know what they are talking about. They are addicted to exaggeration as an attention-getting technique. They demonstrate their self-ascribed superiority in a wide variety of ways, including dominating conversations, offering unwanted advice, being argumentative in meetings and bossing loved ones and co-workers around.

How did I deal this kind of people?

First of all, Don’t take it personally and avoid arguing by asking the right questions. Show your respect for his/her competence but don’t put yourself down. Don’t waste your time with this type of difficult people. Again, avoid them if you can!!

Actually, you are in charge of how you react to the people and events in your life. You can either give negativity power over your life or you can choose happiness instead. Take control and choose to focus on what is important. Be a difficult people will take away a lot of the goodness in our lives. Grateful attitudes, contentment, and a positive outlook on life can change into a person with a great attitude.

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